The number of cyberattacks on organizations is growing. To increase cyber resilience,\norganizations need to obtain foresight to anticipate cybersecurity vulnerabilities, developments, and\npotential threats. This paper describes a tool that combines state of the art text mining and information\nretrieval techniques to explore the opportunities of using these techniques in the cybersecurity domain.\nOur tool, the Horizon Scanner, can scrape and store data from websites, blogs and PDF articles, and\nsearch a database based on a user query, show textual entities in a graph, and provide and visualize\npotential trends. The aim of the Horizon Scanner is to help experts explore relevant data sources\nfor potential threats and trends and to speed up the process of foresight. In a requirements session\nand user evaluation of the tool with cyber experts from the Dutch Defense Cyber Command, we\nexplored whether the Horizon Scanner tool has the potential to fulfill its aim in the cybersecurity\ndomain. Although the overall evaluation of the tool was not as good as expected, some aspects of\nthe tool were found to have added value, providing us with valuable insights into how to design\ndecision support for forecasting analysts.